SOILMEC Desanders

  • Manufacturer: Soilmec
  • Model: SMD-150, SMD-250
  • Condition: Brand New
  • Year of Make: 2022
  • Capacity: 1.50m3, 2.90m3
  • Available for Export

Model of Soilmec desander....... SMD-150 ............... SMD-250
Installed power........................... 18.5 kW ................ 30.0 kW
Vibration motor power............... 2 x1.2 kW.................. 2 x 1.7 kW
Tank volume............................... 1.50 m3.................... 2.90 m3
Separation rate ........................ 140 m3/hour ............ 240 m3/hour
Main screen area...................... 0.93 m2 ................... 1.56 m2
Secondary screen area ........... 10 m2 ....................... 1.80 m2
Hydroclone............................... Gmax 15..................... 2 x Gmax 15
Length of desander ............... 4,000mm..................... 4,200mm
Width of desander ................ 1,650mm ..................... 1,900mm
Height of desander ................ 2,450mm ..................... 2,674mm
Weight of desander ................ 3,200 kg ..................... 5,200 kg
3-phase gen-set requirement.....60.5 kva .................. 80 kva

* Screens are Nuba
* Electric motors are Crompton
* Vibrators are Italvibras / OMB
* Mud pumps are Metso / F L Smith
* Water proof electric panel IP65 protection
*Remote control ON/OFF motor/vibrator with emergency stop

Desanders manufactured by SOILMEC are particularly designed to treat bentonite mud used in drilling and excavating operations for machines equipped with rotating drills or bucket and with direct or reverse mud circulation.

Bentonite mud is treated and washed by separating them from solid polluting matters such as sands, clays, slime and organic matters.
Roughing is the first treatment carried out on the steel screen, in which solids exceeding by 4 mm are separated, and the mud is stored in the tank and from here it is sucked by the pump and conveyed to the hydro cyclone. Particles with granulometry exceeding 40/50 micron are separated. A special circuit is used where a float keeps the tank level constant.

SOILMEC Desanders

Seller Info
Bema International Pte Ltd
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