Scaffolding Shoring System (Triangle Frame)

  • Manufacturer: Iman Scaffolding Pte Ltd
  • Model: TF120
  • Condition: New & Used
  • Year of Make: 2016
  • Capacity: 12 Tonnes Per Leg
  • Available for Export

Material: Hot Dipped Galvanised Mild Steel
Bearing Capacity: 12 Tonnes Per Leg

THe TF120 Triange Frame System is used for Heavy Duty Shoring as the maimum bear capacity exceeds 12 Tons. It can be couped with some Modular System components to meet the exact slab casting specification.

Key Benefits:

– Highest load bearing capactiy
– Better overall stability
– Could be combined with Modular systems
– Simple to Erect

Contact us for a free consultation at 90039494 now!

Scaffolding Shoring System (Triangle Frame)

Seller Info
Iman Scaffolding & Formwork Pte Ltd
Iman Scaffolding & Formwork Pte Ltd Items
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